Monday, February 28, 2011

Just some thanks.....

We just want to send a big thanks to all our family and friends for the congrats cards and thoughts! The artist of this picture is Justin's cousin, Autumn. She also sent us a letter asking us if we had bought all the neccisities for the babies. The letter was very nice and we love the picture of what she thinks we will be having in 6 months. We have another Dr appointment this week so we will keep you posted.

On another note I was so excited to find out my work sells cases of diapers very cheap! I have 2 cases...... a total of 480 diapers for the low price of 42 dollars! I was so stoked and will be buying more each month! This first set will probably last me half a!

Friday, February 11, 2011

doctor visit and changes......

Today was our second doctor visit and we FINALLY got to meet our OB dr who will be taking care of us for next 7 months. I am exactly 9 weeks and one day today. Dr Ali is very nice and is super excited about the twins. We will be going to Springfield to deliver, which is great because they will get the best care there. My next appointment will be in Springfied for some genetic testing and a more in depth ultrasound to see if we have a high or low risk for certain genetic diseases. Basically checking to make sure everything is normal with some routine blood tests and ultrasound. After that we will see Dr Ali on March 11th for our 3rd visit. He said my lab work looked outstanding and was so excited at how healthy Justin and I are.

We have made some major changes in our life since finding out about the twins. I have decided to hold off on school and focus on being a mom. Justin and I felt that this was the right decision for our family. We have wanted a family for a long time and now that we are expecting twins it is better if I just enjoy the pregnancy and focus on the babies. So with that said, it has been hard for me to not be busy 24/7 ,but it is nice at the same time since I have been dealing with alot of morning sickness.
We did get another ultrasound today with Dr Ali and both babies look good. They both have a heartrate of 160 ( normal is 110-160) and they actually look like they got a little bigger. I could be imaging this but to me they look bigger :) So for right now that is the story.... we are just relishing our time we have together now and look forward to seeing how these two develop in the next couple of months.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Today I had my ultrasound done at the hospital and it is confirmed we are brewing not one but two. I have never thought I would be expecting twins.... it is a little crazy! The ultrasound tech measured both babies and they are exactly the same length and are about 8 weeks and one day. Both had a heart rate of 163.... I am told this is good and everything looked absolutely normal. Justin and I are super excited and we will be happy for two healthy babies..... no matter if it turns out to be two boys or two girls.... I would like one of each but I will take what the Lord gives me.:) I have another appointment next week and I finally get to see the actual Dr. who will be taking care of us for the next 9 months. However, now that we have 2 in there I am thinking we will be going to deliver at Springfield because they have better technology and it would be safer for the little munchkins. We shall see what next week brings :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our first OB visit!

We had our first visit with the doctor on January 28th. We went in and were asked a bunch of questions about my family history and about any genetic disorders that our family might have had. Luckily for us we both come from a very healthy family and we have no genetic problems.
After that the doctor did a pelvic exam and did routine tests to make sure everything looked normal. We talked more about what kind of plan for birth we wanted and chose a doctor to see on our next visit. After much deliberation and me going back and forth I decided to see Dr Ali.
He is new to St John's OB but never the less I have heard many good reports about him. Since we were her last patient for the day she decided to do an ultrasound. She did mention that if we could not see anything to not freak out...... so with that said we started down the hall to the ultrasound room. Right away we could see our little "peanut" and were so glad! The heartbeat was there and looked nice and strong. But there was more than one in there so she decided to call in Dr. Hicks to get a better look. There were definately two sacs in there and Dr. Hicks said that it looked like we could be having twins. He did say that most women start with twins and one drops off. However, he did schedule us for another ultrasound this week to rule out that possibilty. Justin and I are shocked and excited but will be happy with whatever the Lord blesses us with.