Monday, August 22, 2011

ding!!!! the time is up!

Well tomorrow we will officially be 37 weeks!!! I cannot believe we have made it this far and have had such a normal pregnancy.. a few bumps in the road but nothing to some of the horror stories I have heard. Today we had our 2 dr appointments and both Morgan and Mackinzie are doing great. We are expecting to have a 5 lb 7 oz baby and a 5 lb 4 oz baby. We will see.....
My blood pressure has been up in the 150s over high 80s for both visits but since we have our c section scheduled for tomorrow they saw no real red flag to take them tonight. So mom and dad get one more night of freedom. Justin and I had a nice dinner out and we are enjoying a quiet night.
We talked to Dr Stanzyck about our c section and he answered ALL of my questions and concerns. I have complete faith that he will do a great job and deliver our two babies with ease. I am going to get a spinal instead of an epidural which means instead of the catheter staying in my back I will just get a big needle injected into my back with medicine to make me numb. Justin will be in the operating room next to me unless complications occur and they have to knock me out. I am feeling very nervous and overwhelmed and I just keep praying that God will calm my nerves and get me thru this. When I get nervous I tend to shake ALOT and get all crazy .... so all i have to say is they better strap me down good.
My final thoughts of today are on my girls. After 37 weeks of being pregnant and all the ultrasounds we have had the girls decided to show us what their faces look like. From the ultrasound pic they are VERY cute. But that is just my opinion :)
I have carried these girls for a good amount of time and feel like I have acheieved what I set out to acheive. We just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
The end of this pregnancy is kind of bitter sweet and I don't know why I am feeling this way since I have LITERALLY been counting down the days to our c section. But the time has come and I know Justin and I are READY!
Morgan and Mackinzie,
We love you more than words can express and we cannot wait to hold you! You are everything we have ever wanted and life is complete with your arrival. Till tomorrow! Love , Mom and Dad

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

36 weeks.... and almost done!

Here we are at 36 weeks. These last couple of weeks have dragged on sooooo sloooowwww! I am so ready to have these girls yet they seem perfectly content being womb mates. This past week we had some challenges and had to be up in springfield 3 times in one week. As most of you know the trip from Lebanon to Springfield is about 35-45 minutes with traffic and it is not fun to sit in the car that long being this pregnant.
Our monday visit went off fine with Dr Fraser. They are still very active and everything looked great on their end. I had talked to Dr Fraser about these severe headaches I was getting and he decided to do some lab work. He test my blood count and all my electrolytes and made sure my liver was ok and he also tested my uric acid and protein in my urine. The protein is to test for pre eclampsia and when the results came back I was 1 point over the breaking point to have it. So Dr Stanzyck ( my obgyn) had me come in on Friday for monitoring to make sure the babies were ok and sure enough they were.
Saturday came and we had to make a trip to triage. I had some leaking fluid and thought it was my water leaking. Went up to springfield and was tested and monitored and again everything was ok. We left very disappointed but there was nothing else to be done.
So now we are in our 36 week and almost to 37 and Dr Stanzyck has given us the medical clearance to have a c section on Tuesday, August 23rd. This is AMAZING news for us because if my protein would not have been a little high we would probably be delivering in September. I am super excited to have this date set and I am literally counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds.
I know this week is going to go by even slower because the fact that I am dwelling on my c section date so I am trying to do things while keeping my feet propped up because they are ALWAYS swollen.
I cannot believe that in less than a week I will be holding my girls and this will be over. I would love to say that this last month has not been that bad but I would be lying if I did. Between the headaches, pelvic pain and constant discomfort of extra fluid I am ready to have these two.
We had them estimate how big they are on the ultrasound and Baby A ( mackinzie) is about 4lbs 14 oz and baby B ( morgan) is said to be 5lbs 70z. So I think they are going to be just fine and not have to spend any time in the NICU. They are growing and getting stronger everyday and the ultrasound tech mentioned if things were different with my health that they probably would stay closer to 40 weeks..... this people are CRAZY!
So Monday we have our 2 dr appointments and tuesday is the BIG day. It is kind of strange to think the next time I update this blog I will have pictures of the girls and be done with this pregnancy. Until then...... we will keep you all posted!

Monday, August 8, 2011

It is almost time... 33-35 weeks

Well everyone we have made it to 35 weeks. Dr Stanzyck is very happy with us making it this far and says that he normally shoots for 34 weeks. So Morgan and Mackinzie are overacheivers:) The pics are of the girls room. My sister made the "M's" and they are right above the cribs. We also have a frame in there from their cousin Cooper! Cannot wait to fill that one... the quilts are from Nana Jeanette. ( which are sooooo cute) Grandma Tracy bought the cribs and the cute little Giraffe's. The room has ALOT of pink in it so I am hoping that all the ultrasounds were correct.
33 weeks:
We had a minor scare about 33 weeks..... we went for our 2nd monitoring and Baby A's ( Mackinzie) heartrate would get into the high 170s and would not go down. So they ended up doing an ultrasound for 30 mins just focusing on her and her breathing and moving. She did not breath thru the 30 mins and had minor movement. With that said she scored a 6 out of 10. They need an 8 to pass. So we ended up going to Triage in the hospital to be monitored for another hour to make sure she was ok ( plus I was having some bad pain on my left side). We stayed for about an hour and 1/2 and we finally passed. The Dr on call said that I was having very mild contractions, which is normal at this time for carrying twins and that the girls heartrates were fine for the time being. If we had been 1-2 weeks further along we probably would have had them.
34 weeks:
Dr Fraser and Dr Stanzyck were both seen last Monday and we talked ALOT about how and when the girls are coming. Baby A ( Mackinzie ) is the first baby to come out and she is in fact and staying BREECH ( feet down). Now this might not be an issue if she was the only one in there but with having two there is no real safe way to turn her. So we talked about C section( which by the way scares me) and when they will do it. Basically at this point I could go into labor at anytime and they would just do the procedure. However, if I do not go on my own it is looking like the last week of August ( 38 weeks). So with that said, 2-3 more weeks and we will be holding our little M&M soon.
35 weeks:
Today is our monitoring with Dr Fraser. We see him weekly and Dr Stanzyck every other week. Today is also the day we find out how much they are weighing. This is done every 2 weeks. At 33 weeks Mackinzie ( baby a) was 3lbs 10 oz and Morgan ( B) was 3lbs 15oz. So I am positive we will have two 4 1/2 to 5 lb babies. My blood pressure has been slightly elevated these last couple of weeks and I have had some blurry vision and headaches so we will find out what the Dr has to say about that. I checked it yesterday and it was 143/84. Dr Stanzyck does not get alarmed unless it is 150/100 but Dr Fraser is very concerned about it just being over 140. So needless to say I have 2 very different types of Dr's taking care of me.
Looking at how close we are makes me sooooo anxious and nervous about being a new mom. I have MANY challenges left to face and yet I feel so blessed. This pregnancy has been super rough and wonderful at the same time. I feel right now I am a sitting duck most of the time. Just waiting for them to arrive. :) I know when they get here time will fly and a year from now I won't even think about all this discomfort and pain I am in. I think the things that have helped me the most thses last couple of months is thinking back a year or two ago and how much I wanted to become a mom. I think about all the times we thought we were when we weren't. I also think about the day I found out and how amazing it was to see two hearbeats. I will never forget the first couple of kicks and moves and how cool it was to know that a little person was starting to grow. Or when we found out it was 2 girls and how even though we wanted one of each how excited we were to know how healthy they were and how much they were going to impact our lives. Even though we were scared and nervous about having twins I cannot picture our life any different. Our family is finally complete:)

Friday, July 22, 2011

32 weeks

Well everyone we have made it to 32 weeks. This week marks the start of our weekly fetal monitoring visits. The bottom picture shows me all wired up and the girls heartrates being monitored. Basically the girls heartrate has to be monitored for a full 20 minutes a week. They have to have 2 spikes of the their heartrate; 15 bpm higher than their resting. Morgan ( baby B) passed the test right away while Mackinzie lingered and took her time. Whenever the nurse would try and stimulate them to move and get their heartrates up Mackinzie would move and be off the monitor. Needless to say I will have my hands full with her. :) We will have their weight checked via ultrasound every other week so next Monday we will find out the their weight ( roughly).
The summer heat has really taken a toll on my feet, hands, face and legs. As you can see in the pics I have really retained alot of fluid.... EVERYWHERE! I am really trying to keep my feet elevated above my heart and drink lots of fluids! Other than that I have some indigestion and have been dealing with alot of tingling and pain in my hands, wrists and finger joints. I have read that this is normal and my Dr. does not seeme to be alarmed. My blood pressure is good and my weight gain is steady. All checked out good with Dr. Stanzyck except the fact that he got onto me about having a strawberry lemonade.... he only likes me to drink water. :)
As we approach the girls arrival I am starting to get more anxious and excited. Sometimes I feel as though I will not make it another week but suprisingly I do.... I am still working on getting the room put together but that should be done by next week. I find that the weeks seem to fly by now and I cannot believe we are almost finished. I cannot wait to see their little faces and touch their hands and feet and see their eyes for the first time. Even though this is the hardest part of the pregnancy I still feel sooooo blessed to be having these two miracles. I am very fortunate to be having a relatively calm pregnancy. I hear horror stories of mothers of twins and how I really have not experienced any real hardships. I continuely pray that the Lord keeps them safe and that we make it another week so that they can grow and be able to come into this world with no problems.

We Love Our Family!

We just want to say "thank you" to all of family who came and planned the shower. We are sooo blessed to have you apart of our life. The shower was wonderful and having the entire family together was amazing! The support we have received has been overwhelming. We love each and every one of you.

Kilene's suprise shower visit!

Originally my sister had told me she would not be able to make it for the shower. With 2 toddlers and her busy schedule I could understand her not being able to make it. This video is her and my mom suprising me with her arrival. As you can tell I had NO idea. I have not seen my sister in a year and it was WONDERFUL to have her here and help me with everything. Being that she just had 2 kids of her own recently she was an incredible help. If only we lived closer..... I know could use her expertise when the girls get here but skype is always an option. My niece, Caddie also was able to come which was great for Justin since he had yet to meet the Bug. Uncle Justin and Caddie bug got bound this past weekend and watching him take care of her really shows me more and more each day how wonderful of a Dad he will be. :)

I am so blessed to have such an amazing relationship with my sister and my mom and I cannot wait for the girls to meet them. We have had sooooo much support during this pregnancy I am so overwhelmed and grateful.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

31 weeks.......

31 weeks and we made it to the babies shower. The theme had the same colors as the girls room and was absolutely gorgeous. Justin's mom, sister, aunt, step sister, cousin and my mom helped plan the shower. We had a pretty good turn out and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. The cakes were made by Amy Cakes in Springfield MO and were soooooo good! I feel so blessed to have so much support and love from each and every one of you that came. It means alot to me!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

30 weeks.....

At 30 weeks with twins ( or any pregnancy) I guess you have to have some humor....... Being that my hormones are nutts at this point I thought it would be funny to find some cartoons that describe how I am feeling these days. I have "3 H's" to describe myself.......Hot, Huge and Hormonal. I keep marking off my calender each day and keep telling myself that it won't be long. Luckily my mom and sister have been giving me daily pep talks to get me thru these last couple of months. I am finally done with work and my days are filled with swimming at the YMCA, cleaning and doing little projects around the house( in between naps of course) . Next week is our shower and I cannot wait to visit with all my friends and family who are attending! After that it will be the final countdown. Now that we will be seeing our fetal medicine doctor weekly it should make these last weeks go by quicker and hopefully make it a little more bearable knowing that the girls will be almost here!
Mackinzie and Morgan are still very active at this point.. I am feeling lots of turns and kicks everyday. It doesn't matter what side I sleep on because one of them has to move and adjust :) . The bed at this point is me and my 6 pillows taking up about 95% and Justin has about 5% of the bed. I am making a bet that I will be taking over that last 5% soon.
I passed my Glucose tolerance test with flying colors which is GREAT! No gestational diabetes!!!! However my hemoglobin was 10.5 (normal range is between 12-16) so with that said I am now taking iron pills. If anyone of you know what iron does to your stomach you know it is NOT fun to take these pills. But hopefully taking them will make me have more energy than I do now and will help me with the last part of the pregnancy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29 weeks....

29weeks and counting..... We had our 2 dr appointments this week and everything is GREAT! Mackinzie ( baby A) is measuring at 2 lbs 80z with a heartbeat of 166 while Morgan is at 2 lbs 10oz with a heartbeat of 145. Mackinzie and Morgan love to snuggle in the same spot and are both facing my spine so unfortantely we could not get any pics to post. That would explain all the pressure and pain in my lower back I have been feeling. Dr Fraser says everything looks great and everyone, including mommy have an appropriate weight gain. So far I have gained about 28lbs and feel pretty good. I have had some sleeping problems these last couple of weeks and so he gave me some medicine to help me relax and get some shut eye.
Our second appointment of the day was with our OB Dr Stanzyck. We had to first do the Glucose tolerance test ( which by the way I have been dreading for months). Dr Stanzyck measured me and checked both heartrates and again everything was good. He seems to think that I will go into labor by myself by the 36th week. I am praying that is how it is and it gives me hope to know that this will be over soon and we will get to meet these two little girls. However, I know this is just a guess. That guess will be stuck in my mind to help me mentally get thru these last couple of months. Our next appointments are in 3 weeks were we are going to have an ultrasound to see their position and also have fetal monitoring for 20 minutes. We will continue to have these done every week till they arrive. Currently Mackinzie is breech and Morgan is head down. We are hoping Mackinzie will do a flip before they come so that way we will not have to do a C section.

I keep thinking about how it was when we first found out we were pregnant and how so much has changed in the last 6 months. How it seemed to go by sooooo slow in the begining and now the weeks are flying by. I am really trying to take my sister's advice and just enjoy the time they are inside my tummy because it just amazes me how active they are and how fun it is to feel their turns and love kicks :) It is funny how much you can love someone without even meeting them face to face and how much they change your life and how you think and do things. I continually thank God for keeping me and the girls safe during this time and that the pregancy continues to go smoothly and we will get to see two beautiful, healthy baby girls soon. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

28 weeks!

This week marks our 28th week and the start of our 3rd and FINAL trimester! The twins are measuring a little over 2 lbs this week and I can tell because my belly has seemed to grow overnight. I have had a lot of movement in these last 2 weeks. Usually they get busy moving and grooving around early evenings and into the late nights. I guess they just can't get off the night shift. :) Their kicks are so big that sometimes I will have my hand on my belly and my hand will jump a little from the movement. ( which by the way is so cool and amazing)
We have our next Dr appointment on the 28th of this month and I will be getting another ultrasound and be doing my Glucose tolerance test. ( the one test I have dreaded from the start)
No real cravings except ice and ice pops and a cold glass of root beer! The weather is getting hotter as I get bigger and anything to keep me cool is keeping me happy. I just signed up for a 2 month pass to our local YMCA where I will be swimming and feeling a lot lighter.
I keep looking at my calender wishing it was mid to end of August so that I could finally have these girls in my arms instead of my belly but as many of you know patience has never been my virtue. :) Going to try and post more as they are ever changing and the time is getting closer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This week marks our 23rd week. Today we went up to Springfield and had our 2 dr appointments. We had our first appointment with Dr. Frazer and had our 4 week ultrasound. Everything went great and we have 2 healthy babies. They both are about 1 lb and 2 oz a piece. Our second Dr. appointment was with Dr. Stanzyck. He measured me and checked the heartrates of both babies and again we were fine. We have one more 4 weeek appointment and then we will be making weekly visits to the dr. until they arrive.
The pictures of the piggy banks was a mother's day activity Justin and I did for the babies. We went up to this fun pottery shop in Springfield and got to paint the piggy banks for Morgan and Mackinzie. It was alot of fun and I think they turned out really cute. If you can't tell already the babies room will be white, pink and lime green. :)
Everything is on track and we are progressing very well.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

20 weeks....

Well we will be buying LOTS of pink because are going to have 2 baby girls. The official names are Mackinzie Anne ( Mac or Kinzie for short) and Morgan Elizabeth. We are so excited and I think Justin is warming up to the idea that he will be constantly surrounded by woman. I have told him that he can get a really cool car and make himself a man cave in our house. Either way he is definately a proud papa.
We had an ultrasound last week with Dr. Frazier in Springfield where they checked out both girls and made sure every organ was present and functioning ok. They both look great with no real signs of Spina bifida. The Dr. said that because my level of AFP was only 4.47 and the cut off is 4.00 that they should be fine. However, we will be watched very closely from now until they get here. I will be averaging an ultrasound every 4 weeks and at the end will be getting fetal monitoring for 20 mins every week. Average twins are born between 34- 37 weeks so everyone be prepared because they might be showing up earlier than expected. :)
Our new Dr. in springfield is Dr. Stanzyck. I think he is really going to be a great move for us and is into every detail. He delivers about 90 % of his own cases and is very knowledgable about our case already. We are so excited to meet these two little girls as I have already noticed that they both are totally different. Morgan is my laid back girl who is not camera ready. Her back is always towards the camera and she is totally mellow. Mackinzie is my wild child. She is definately a little show off and has no problem being center of attention. We will see how it really goes when they get here but so far that is my prediction. Mackinzie is about 10 oz and Morgan is 8oz... which is quite normal for twins. Our next appointment is on the 18th and 19th of May where I will get a basic check in with Dr. Stanzyck and have another ultrasound.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

18 weeks......

Well here we are at 18weeks!!!! Four weeks ago I barely was showing and now pop goes the belly. Next week we have two doctor appointments. We go up to Springfield for an ultrasound to test if the babies have spina bifida. One of my hormone levels were raised from the genetic testing I did and they want to rule out this disease. Since we will be about 19 weeks I am sure they will be telling us what we will be having. Justin and I are excited to FINALLY know what we are going to be expecting.

Our second doctor visit will be with Dr. Ali and that will be a general check up and hopefully he will send our referral to Springfield where the babies will be born. I have researched and talked to alot of ladies who have delivered in Sprinfield and they all suggest Dr. Stanzyck. They say he has a wonderful team and that he is very well know for doing excellent work. With such great reviews I am praying that he is taking new patients and that we will be able to see him :)

Right now Justin and I are preparing for the arrival of our little ones by doing some MAJOR spring cleaning!!! We are preparing the once study into the babies room and will be painting soon! Next week we will be 1/2 through this pregnancy........ I cannot believe it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

14 weeks..... first sight of the bump!

So today the twins are 14 weeks. We are officially in our second trimester! This is so exciting! Still sick but it is getting better..... I find that eating small meals works out good for me. I have noticed that the twins do not like anything too sweet so I really have to watch what I eat. I noticed the bump the other day and after many, many, many request I decided to post it. Six more weeks and we will know what we are having :) We cannot wait!

Friday, March 11, 2011

13 week check up!

Well, today has officially marked us at 13 weeks. We went to the dr and got to hear the heartbeats of both babies. Baby A is consistently higher than Baby B. Baby A was 163 beats and Baby B was 156. Justin and I agree that Baby A takes after me and Baby B seems to be more like him, laid back :) We will see though......
This week has been a rough week for me because of the sickness I have been going through. After the weekend of barely keeping anything down it was pretty evident that I needed to get hydrated. Monday I woke with cramping in my mid abdomen and after much pushing from my mom I decided to go to the ER. I received 2 1/2 bags of fluid via IV and was told to take a day off to rest. I am doing much better and the sickness is not as bad as it was but I don't want to say I am out of the woods because it seems to creep back. However, the Dr did give me Zofran for nausea and I am trying to only use it as needed.
Our next appointment is not till April 15th. Dr Ali will schedule an ultrasound 3 weeks after that appointment and we should know what we are having.... I am betting on it being a boy and
a girl!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baby Henry A

Baby Henry A is quite the active one! He/she was the first one the ultrasound tech checked and man was she having a hard time catching this one:) Baby A's heartrate today was 163 bpm and was just having a good ole time kicking and stretching his/her legs out. In these pics you can see the one picture of their hand looking like it is waving and at the end he/she just didn't want anymore pics taken of them and decided to hide:) .... It was so amazing to see how much they have developed.

12 weeks!!!

Today the twins are 12 weeks and one day old :). The last time we got to look at them they were only 8 weeks, and boy have they changed! This picture is of the both of them and it was super hard to get this picture since they both are very active.
Our appointment today consisted of an indepth ultrasound of both babies and a small finger prick from me. They measured the distance from their spine to the layer of skin on their neck to determine if they are a high or low risk for any genetic disorders. We are happy to report that both measurements seem to be good and they are healthy. We will not know for sure until we get our report next week.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just some thanks.....

We just want to send a big thanks to all our family and friends for the congrats cards and thoughts! The artist of this picture is Justin's cousin, Autumn. She also sent us a letter asking us if we had bought all the neccisities for the babies. The letter was very nice and we love the picture of what she thinks we will be having in 6 months. We have another Dr appointment this week so we will keep you posted.

On another note I was so excited to find out my work sells cases of diapers very cheap! I have 2 cases...... a total of 480 diapers for the low price of 42 dollars! I was so stoked and will be buying more each month! This first set will probably last me half a!

Friday, February 11, 2011

doctor visit and changes......

Today was our second doctor visit and we FINALLY got to meet our OB dr who will be taking care of us for next 7 months. I am exactly 9 weeks and one day today. Dr Ali is very nice and is super excited about the twins. We will be going to Springfield to deliver, which is great because they will get the best care there. My next appointment will be in Springfied for some genetic testing and a more in depth ultrasound to see if we have a high or low risk for certain genetic diseases. Basically checking to make sure everything is normal with some routine blood tests and ultrasound. After that we will see Dr Ali on March 11th for our 3rd visit. He said my lab work looked outstanding and was so excited at how healthy Justin and I are.

We have made some major changes in our life since finding out about the twins. I have decided to hold off on school and focus on being a mom. Justin and I felt that this was the right decision for our family. We have wanted a family for a long time and now that we are expecting twins it is better if I just enjoy the pregnancy and focus on the babies. So with that said, it has been hard for me to not be busy 24/7 ,but it is nice at the same time since I have been dealing with alot of morning sickness.
We did get another ultrasound today with Dr Ali and both babies look good. They both have a heartrate of 160 ( normal is 110-160) and they actually look like they got a little bigger. I could be imaging this but to me they look bigger :) So for right now that is the story.... we are just relishing our time we have together now and look forward to seeing how these two develop in the next couple of months.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Today I had my ultrasound done at the hospital and it is confirmed we are brewing not one but two. I have never thought I would be expecting twins.... it is a little crazy! The ultrasound tech measured both babies and they are exactly the same length and are about 8 weeks and one day. Both had a heart rate of 163.... I am told this is good and everything looked absolutely normal. Justin and I are super excited and we will be happy for two healthy babies..... no matter if it turns out to be two boys or two girls.... I would like one of each but I will take what the Lord gives me.:) I have another appointment next week and I finally get to see the actual Dr. who will be taking care of us for the next 9 months. However, now that we have 2 in there I am thinking we will be going to deliver at Springfield because they have better technology and it would be safer for the little munchkins. We shall see what next week brings :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our first OB visit!

We had our first visit with the doctor on January 28th. We went in and were asked a bunch of questions about my family history and about any genetic disorders that our family might have had. Luckily for us we both come from a very healthy family and we have no genetic problems.
After that the doctor did a pelvic exam and did routine tests to make sure everything looked normal. We talked more about what kind of plan for birth we wanted and chose a doctor to see on our next visit. After much deliberation and me going back and forth I decided to see Dr Ali.
He is new to St John's OB but never the less I have heard many good reports about him. Since we were her last patient for the day she decided to do an ultrasound. She did mention that if we could not see anything to not freak out...... so with that said we started down the hall to the ultrasound room. Right away we could see our little "peanut" and were so glad! The heartbeat was there and looked nice and strong. But there was more than one in there so she decided to call in Dr. Hicks to get a better look. There were definately two sacs in there and Dr. Hicks said that it looked like we could be having twins. He did say that most women start with twins and one drops off. However, he did schedule us for another ultrasound this week to rule out that possibilty. Justin and I are shocked and excited but will be happy with whatever the Lord blesses us with.

Monday, January 24, 2011

We are Pregnant!!!

Justin and I found out we were pregnant on Sunday January 9th 2010. I had been feeling under the weather the week before and thought"what the heck" and bought a pregnancy test to see if that could be a possibility. When thinking about when this day would come I always imagined telling Justin in some "cute" way; but that night I just couldn't think of any other way but to show him the test. I know subtle.... but never the less he was so excited to become a Daddy and I think I actually got him to tear up a little. However, I was still in shock and I could not believe that it was actually positive.

We went to see the doctor that Tuesday where they took blood to test my Hcg level to see how many weeks I was. My Hcg was 6582 and I am about 5-6 weeks along. Our first OB/GYN appointment will be January 28th and I will be getting routine blood work done with some general questions and ultrasound. But I am thinking that will not be for another 2 more weeks. :)
Even though I am still in my first year of nursing school, we are both sooooo excited to welcome this new addition and cannot wait to see the many blessings that will be coming our way in the next year.