Monday, August 8, 2011

It is almost time... 33-35 weeks

Well everyone we have made it to 35 weeks. Dr Stanzyck is very happy with us making it this far and says that he normally shoots for 34 weeks. So Morgan and Mackinzie are overacheivers:) The pics are of the girls room. My sister made the "M's" and they are right above the cribs. We also have a frame in there from their cousin Cooper! Cannot wait to fill that one... the quilts are from Nana Jeanette. ( which are sooooo cute) Grandma Tracy bought the cribs and the cute little Giraffe's. The room has ALOT of pink in it so I am hoping that all the ultrasounds were correct.
33 weeks:
We had a minor scare about 33 weeks..... we went for our 2nd monitoring and Baby A's ( Mackinzie) heartrate would get into the high 170s and would not go down. So they ended up doing an ultrasound for 30 mins just focusing on her and her breathing and moving. She did not breath thru the 30 mins and had minor movement. With that said she scored a 6 out of 10. They need an 8 to pass. So we ended up going to Triage in the hospital to be monitored for another hour to make sure she was ok ( plus I was having some bad pain on my left side). We stayed for about an hour and 1/2 and we finally passed. The Dr on call said that I was having very mild contractions, which is normal at this time for carrying twins and that the girls heartrates were fine for the time being. If we had been 1-2 weeks further along we probably would have had them.
34 weeks:
Dr Fraser and Dr Stanzyck were both seen last Monday and we talked ALOT about how and when the girls are coming. Baby A ( Mackinzie ) is the first baby to come out and she is in fact and staying BREECH ( feet down). Now this might not be an issue if she was the only one in there but with having two there is no real safe way to turn her. So we talked about C section( which by the way scares me) and when they will do it. Basically at this point I could go into labor at anytime and they would just do the procedure. However, if I do not go on my own it is looking like the last week of August ( 38 weeks). So with that said, 2-3 more weeks and we will be holding our little M&M soon.
35 weeks:
Today is our monitoring with Dr Fraser. We see him weekly and Dr Stanzyck every other week. Today is also the day we find out how much they are weighing. This is done every 2 weeks. At 33 weeks Mackinzie ( baby a) was 3lbs 10 oz and Morgan ( B) was 3lbs 15oz. So I am positive we will have two 4 1/2 to 5 lb babies. My blood pressure has been slightly elevated these last couple of weeks and I have had some blurry vision and headaches so we will find out what the Dr has to say about that. I checked it yesterday and it was 143/84. Dr Stanzyck does not get alarmed unless it is 150/100 but Dr Fraser is very concerned about it just being over 140. So needless to say I have 2 very different types of Dr's taking care of me.
Looking at how close we are makes me sooooo anxious and nervous about being a new mom. I have MANY challenges left to face and yet I feel so blessed. This pregnancy has been super rough and wonderful at the same time. I feel right now I am a sitting duck most of the time. Just waiting for them to arrive. :) I know when they get here time will fly and a year from now I won't even think about all this discomfort and pain I am in. I think the things that have helped me the most thses last couple of months is thinking back a year or two ago and how much I wanted to become a mom. I think about all the times we thought we were when we weren't. I also think about the day I found out and how amazing it was to see two hearbeats. I will never forget the first couple of kicks and moves and how cool it was to know that a little person was starting to grow. Or when we found out it was 2 girls and how even though we wanted one of each how excited we were to know how healthy they were and how much they were going to impact our lives. Even though we were scared and nervous about having twins I cannot picture our life any different. Our family is finally complete:)

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