Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29 weeks....

29weeks and counting..... We had our 2 dr appointments this week and everything is GREAT! Mackinzie ( baby A) is measuring at 2 lbs 80z with a heartbeat of 166 while Morgan is at 2 lbs 10oz with a heartbeat of 145. Mackinzie and Morgan love to snuggle in the same spot and are both facing my spine so unfortantely we could not get any pics to post. That would explain all the pressure and pain in my lower back I have been feeling. Dr Fraser says everything looks great and everyone, including mommy have an appropriate weight gain. So far I have gained about 28lbs and feel pretty good. I have had some sleeping problems these last couple of weeks and so he gave me some medicine to help me relax and get some shut eye.
Our second appointment of the day was with our OB Dr Stanzyck. We had to first do the Glucose tolerance test ( which by the way I have been dreading for months). Dr Stanzyck measured me and checked both heartrates and again everything was good. He seems to think that I will go into labor by myself by the 36th week. I am praying that is how it is and it gives me hope to know that this will be over soon and we will get to meet these two little girls. However, I know this is just a guess. That guess will be stuck in my mind to help me mentally get thru these last couple of months. Our next appointments are in 3 weeks were we are going to have an ultrasound to see their position and also have fetal monitoring for 20 minutes. We will continue to have these done every week till they arrive. Currently Mackinzie is breech and Morgan is head down. We are hoping Mackinzie will do a flip before they come so that way we will not have to do a C section.

I keep thinking about how it was when we first found out we were pregnant and how so much has changed in the last 6 months. How it seemed to go by sooooo slow in the begining and now the weeks are flying by. I am really trying to take my sister's advice and just enjoy the time they are inside my tummy because it just amazes me how active they are and how fun it is to feel their turns and love kicks :) It is funny how much you can love someone without even meeting them face to face and how much they change your life and how you think and do things. I continually thank God for keeping me and the girls safe during this time and that the pregancy continues to go smoothly and we will get to see two beautiful, healthy baby girls soon. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

28 weeks!

This week marks our 28th week and the start of our 3rd and FINAL trimester! The twins are measuring a little over 2 lbs this week and I can tell because my belly has seemed to grow overnight. I have had a lot of movement in these last 2 weeks. Usually they get busy moving and grooving around early evenings and into the late nights. I guess they just can't get off the night shift. :) Their kicks are so big that sometimes I will have my hand on my belly and my hand will jump a little from the movement. ( which by the way is so cool and amazing)
We have our next Dr appointment on the 28th of this month and I will be getting another ultrasound and be doing my Glucose tolerance test. ( the one test I have dreaded from the start)
No real cravings except ice and ice pops and a cold glass of root beer! The weather is getting hotter as I get bigger and anything to keep me cool is keeping me happy. I just signed up for a 2 month pass to our local YMCA where I will be swimming and feeling a lot lighter.
I keep looking at my calender wishing it was mid to end of August so that I could finally have these girls in my arms instead of my belly but as many of you know patience has never been my virtue. :) Going to try and post more as they are ever changing and the time is getting closer.